Friends, these past few days have been some of the most challenging I’ve experienced in a while, due to some personal issues.
I don’t normally get very angry, but I was furious. 🤬 And I found myself blaming other people for the way I felt.
They said this, and they did that, and it is UNACCEPTABLE!!! I couldn’t let it go. Until I did.
Last night before bed, I had a breakthrough. And I was reminded that it often takes us experiencing a breakdown, to have a breakthrough.
It often takes feeling like you are at a breaking point to realize there’s another way of approaching things that can free you from your suffering.
I realized that I was deeply hurt. But which “I” was deeply hurt?
It was my Ego. It was my self-constructed identity that felt violated, based in the rules I have in place as to how others are supposed to treat me.
But the true “I” – the highest self (aka the Enlightened self, aka Spirit, aka God consciousness) – that exists beyond the Ego, doesn’t get caught up in what other people say or do.
It doesn’t get offended. It doesn’t get its feelings hurt. It doesn’t dwell on things it can’t change.
Our highest self is playing a much bigger game than worrying about who said what. The Enlightened self is playing the game of Love – loving every moment, loving every one, and striving to live in alignment with Love no matter what. It is our Ego that blocks the constant flow of love.
The best part is that as soon as I realized that it was my Ego that was hurt, I was able to choose to let it go. To forgive the other person, to operate as my Enlightened self, and to again let love flow both directions.
And I was reminded that we always have the power to let go whatever is bothering us, instantly. In a single moment. And choose to operate beyond the ego, as our Enlightened self.